R&G Metal Shaping

CAD/CAM models

The key to our results

At R&G Metal Shaping, we are proud to offer our customers cutting-edge industrial sheet metal services. One of the key technologies we use to ensure accurate and efficient results is the use of models CAD/CAM (computer-aided design / computer-aided manufacturing). Today, we will explore in detail how CAD/CAM models play a critical role in our metal forming process and how they benefit our customers.

What are the CAD/CAM models?

CAD/CAM models are accurate and detailed digital representations of the parts to be manufactured. Using advanced computer-aided design programs, our engineering experts create, modify, and optimize 2D or 3D models that serve as a reference for the entire manufacturing process.

Differentiating CAD from CAM, we find that the first is focused on the software that allows us to design parts in 2D/3D from our technical office, while CAM is focused on the connection between the computer and the machine that will create the parts. previously designed. The combination of the two models is essential for industrial automation, guaranteeing quality and efficiency.

CAD/CAM models

Model CAD/CAM designed for a folding process. Guaranteeing perfection in every curve.


CAD/CAM model designed for a precision machining process, guaranteeing perfect parts.

Benefits of the CAD/CAM models in R&G Metal Shaping:

  • Accuracy and consistency: The models we design allow us to achieve exceptional precision at every step of the metal forming process. By working with exact measurements and minute details in the digital design, we are able to accurately replicate desired parts time and time again, ensuring consistency in the quality of our products.


  • Performance Optimization: Through analysis and design techniques, the CAD/CAM models allow us to improve and optimize the performance of existing parts. We can identify areas for improvement, run simulations, and adjust the design to achieve better performance and efficiency based on the specific needs of our customers.


  • Design flexibility: They give us great flexibility in customizing and adapting metal parts. We can digitally adjust and modify designs to meet the specific requirements of each project, allowing us to offer bespoke solutions and respond to the individual demands of our clients.


  • Time and cost savings: The use of CAD/CAM models significantly speeds up the manufacturing process. By working with digital designs, we can reduce the time it takes to make changes, streamline production, and minimize errors. This translates into time and cost savings for our customers, as well as faster and more efficient delivery of orders.


  • Clear communication and preview: These models facilitate clear communication between our sheet metal experts and our customers. By previewing digital designs, clients can better understand what finished parts will look like and provide early feedback. This ensures that we are in line with expectations and allows us to make adjustments prior to manufacturing.

At R&G Metal Shaping, the implementation of CAD/CAM models in our metal forming process allows us to offer precise, personalized and efficient results to our clients. This advanced technology ensures high-quality production, increased design flexibility, and clear communication throughout the process. We are committed to the continuous adoption of innovations such as the CAD/CAM models to provide the best service and the highest quality in industrial sheet metal work.

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